## No accessibility by default, until we're 100% there's no regression
toolkit-accessibility = false
### For the theme, we stay with the defaults
## Note: for non-GNOME sessions, the cursor theme is defined in /var/adm/fillup-templates/sysconfig.windowmanager-desktop-data-openSUSE from desktop-data-openSUSE
# cursor-theme = ""
## Note: gtk[23]-branding-%{branding_name} must contain the same defaults for icon and gtk, otherwise the theme will change when gnome-settings-daemon starts
# icon-theme = ""
# gtk-theme = ""

## Default wallpaper
picture-uri = "@@WALLPAPER_URI@@"
picture-uri-dark = "@@WALLPAPER_URI@@"
picture-options = "stretched"
@@IF_openSUSE@@primary-color = "#258c06"
@@IF_openSUSE@@secondary-color = "#258c06"
@@IF_SLE@@primary-color = "#0C322C"
@@IF_SLE@@secondary-color = "#0C322C"

@@IF_openSUSE@@picture-uri = "@@WALLPAPER_URI@@"
@@IF_SLE@@picture-uri = "@@LOCKSCREEN_URI@@"
picture-options = "stretched"
@@IF_openSUSE@@primary-color = "#258c06"
@@IF_openSUSE@@secondary-color = "#258c06"
@@IF_SLE@@primary-color = "#0C322C"
@@IF_SLE@@secondary-color = "#0C322C"
@@IF_SLE@@lock-delay = 300

## Logo in the gdm login dialog

## Set keyboard layout global per session instead of per window
group-per-window = false

## Make sure to have event sounds by default
event-sounds = true
@@IF_openSUSE@@theme-name = "freedesktop"
@@IF_SLE@@theme-name = "novell"

@@IF_openSUSE@@# Audible bell is more annoying than useful
@@IF_openSUSE@@audible-bell = false
### For the theme, we stay with the defaults
# titlebar-uses-system-font = false
# titlebar-font = ""
# theme = ""

## Enable tap-to-click by default (bnc#554884,fate#310811)
## http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2012-06/msg01087.html
tap-to-click = true

## To avoid popup warnings on default UEFI installation (bsc#919217)
ignore-paths = ['/boot/efi']

## Energy Star compliant configuration is disabled for SLE and Leap from vendor level
## The recommended way to enable this is via GNOME Control Center, dconf-editor or gsettings
@@IF_SLE@@sleep-inactive-ac-timeout = 0
@@IF_SLE@@sleep-inactive-battery-timeout = 0
@@IF_LEAP@@sleep-inactive-ac-timeout = 0
@@IF_LEAP@@sleep-inactive-battery-timeout = 0

## the PackageKit gtk+ module is too spammy, fdo#23917
disabled-gtk-modules = [ "pk-gtk-module" ]

help = ['Help', '<Super>F1']

## Default apps shown in the gnome-shell dash
@@IF_openSUSE@@favorite-apps = [ 'firefox.desktop', 'org.gnome.Evolution.desktop', 'empathy.desktop', 'gnome-music.desktop', 'shotwell.desktop', 'libreoffice-writer.desktop', 'org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop' ]
@@IF_SLE@@favorite-apps = [ 'firefox.desktop', 'evolution.desktop', 'pidgin.desktop', 'gnome-photos.desktop', 'libreoffice-startcenter.desktop', 'org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop', 'yelp.desktop' ]
@@IF_SLE@@## Default extensions that are enabled
@@IF_SLE@@enabled-extensions = [ 'alternative-status-menu@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com' ]

## Display all workspaces in the gnome-panel window list applet
display-all-workspaces = true

## Disable indexing on removable media
index-removable-devices = false

## Show application menu on title bar in sle-classic session
## Need glib2 supports that gsettings default value can be overridden depending on session
## bgo#746592 bsc#1070090
overrides = {'Gtk/ShellShowsAppMenu': <0>}

# @@IF_LEAP@@[org.gnome.software]
# @@IF_LEAP@@# Disable GNOME Software's automatic update notifications - openSUSE relies on
# @@IF_LEAP@@# gnome-settings-daemon's internal update plugin for update notifications.
# @@IF_LEAP@@download-updates = false
@@IF_LEAP@@default-zoom-level = 'small'

@@IF_SLE@@default-zoom-level = 'small'