# GNOME Default Applications Source # /etc/gnome-defaults.conf # # After any change of this file run # suse-update-mime-defaults # # This list is a source for defaults.list. # # If application in this list is installed, it is used as default in GNOME. # It works in following way: # 1. Read this file. # 2. Collect all available desktop files. # 3. Go through all declared MIME types and search for default application # for defaults.list in following order: # 3.1 Installed application listed here for certain MIME type. # 3.2 Installed application listed here as preferred default. # 3.3 Installed application listed here as default. # 3.4 Installed application with GNOME in Categories. # 3.5 Installed application with GTK in Categories. # 3.6 Installed application. # If there are more applications in the same order, it uses pseudo-randomly # one of them (last in aplhabetical order). # # Syntax: # Use xxx as default for all MIME types it declares (see 3.3): # xxx.desktop # Use xxx as preferred default for all MIME types it declares (see 3.2): # !xxx.desktop # Use xxx as default for mime/type (see 3.1): # mime/type=xxx.desktop # URI schemes x-scheme-handler/http=firefox.desktop x-scheme-handler/https=firefox.desktop x-scheme-handler/ftp=firefox.desktop x-scheme-handler/mailto=evolution.desktop # All URI schemes declared by yelp yelp.desktop # Prefer banshee for multimedia where possible !banshee-1.desktop # Except prefer moonshine for WM video/x-ms-asf-plugin=moonshine.desktop video/x-msvideo=moonshine.desktop video/x-ms-asf=moonshine.desktop video/x-ms-wmv=moonshine.desktop video/x-wmv=moonshine.desktop video/x-ms-wvx=moonshine.desktop video/x-ms-wm=moonshine.desktop video/x-ms-wmp=moonshine.desktop application/x-ms-wms=moonshine.desktop application/x-ms-wmp=moonshine.desktop application/asx=moonshine.desktop audio/x-ms-wma=moonshine.desktop # Prefer LinDVD for DVD and mpeg video playback, when available video/mpeg=LinDVD.desktop video/x-mpeg=LinDVD.desktop video/dvd=LinDVD.desktop x-content/video-dvd=LinDVD.desktop # Prefer contracted commercial applications !flashplayer.desktop !acroread.desktop realplay.desktop # Prefer Install Software over file-roller application/x-rpm=package-manager.desktop !gpk-install-file.desktop # Nice GNOME default applications org.gnome.eog.desktop org.gnome.Evince.desktop org.gnome.TextEditor.desktop !org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop # file-roller supports iso, but most people will prefer brasero: application/x-cd-image=brasero.desktop org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop # evince supports multi-page tiff, but most people will prefer eog: image/tiff=org.gnome.eog.desktop # evince supports odp, but we really want OOo application/vnd.sun.xml.impress=libreoffice-impress.desktop application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation=libreoffice-impress.desktop # XFCE default applications leafpad.desktop ristretto.desktop # LXDE default applications beaver.desktop gpicview.desktop # Firefox firefox.desktop # OpenOffice libreoffice-base.desktop libreoffice-calc.desktop libreoffice-draw.desktop libreoffice-impress.desktop libreoffice-math.desktop libreoffice-writer.desktop # Do not prefer writer for text/plain: text/plain=org.gnome.TextEditor.desktop