2019-03-15 Version: 1.1.19
1,  Update Dependency

2018-04-24 Version: 1.1.18
1, add interface FetchPhotos
2, add xflush log param unixTimestamp

2018-04-17 Version: 1.1.17
1, EditPhotos add input param TakenAt
2, add FetchMomentPhotos
3, ListAlbums add return param Remark

2018-04-11 Version: 1.1.16
1, GetLibrary/FetchLibraries add return ctime
2, Editphotos add input param takenAt

2018-03-29 Version: 1.1.15
1, edit FetchLibraries return param format

2018-03-27 Version: 1.1.14
1, add interface FetchLibraries

2018-03-20 Version: 1.1.13
1, add FetchAlbumTagPhotos
2, CreatePhoto add optional param TakenAt

2018-03-07 Version: 1.1.11
1, add GetAlbumsByNames
2, add ListEvent/CreateEvent/EditEvent/DeleteEvent/GetEvent
3, add return IdStr for string

2018-03-06 Version: 1.1.10
1, add GetAlbumsByNames
2, add ListEvent/CreateEvent/EditEvent/DeleteEvent/GetEvent
3, add return IdStr for string

2018-03-06 Version: 1.1.9
1, add GetAlbumsByNames
2, add ListEvent/CreateEvent/EditEvent/DeleteEvent/GetEvent
3, add return IdStr for string

2018-01-12 Version: 1.1.9
1, fix the TypeError while building the repeat params

2018-01-11 Version: 1.1.8
1, replace photo tag 2000 upgrade to 5000
2, add TrashQuota

2017-12-19 Version: 1.1.7
1, InactivatePhotos support customer inactiveTime
2, support customer tags
3, ListPhotoTags、ListTags add param lang

2017-11-23 Version: 1.1.6
1, 新增EditPhotoStore、ToggleFeatures
2, 自动清理回收站
3, 自定义开关
4, 优化CreatePhoto

2017-10-26 Version: 1.1.5
1, 支持照片分享、照片审核和CDN加速
2, ActivatePhotos,EditPhotos,GetPhotosByMd5s,GetPrivateAccessUrls,GetPublicAccessUrls,ListPhotoFaces,ListPhotoTags
3, Java SDK中之前需要传入boolean类型参数的API对应参数类型改为String,老版本的SDK可以继续使用

2017-09-20 Version: 1.1.4
1, 支持主子AK访问
2, 读写quota加缓存

2017-09-07 Version: 1.1.3
1, 新增getDownloadUrls
2, 新增getThumbnails
3, CreatePhoto/GetPhotos/ListPhotos/SearchPhotos新增返回字段TakenAt
4, 修正Cover为null时remark为空字符串的bug
5, 物理删除照片接口增加调用文件服务 deleteFiles
6, 修复特殊情况下重复提交创建多个文件的bug

2017-08-24 Version: 1.1.2
1, 获取地址给算法打标服务使用时,使用内网或跨域域名
2, 鉴权相关代码 clients 改为 libraries
3, 修复CreatePhoto超时
4, 支持返回大类标签
5, 支持设置Remark
6, GetPhotoStore返回quota单位修正为byte