2020-11-30 Version 2.13.30
1, Add README and LICENSE to the python package.
2, Bump urllib3 from 1.21 to 1.24.3 to fix CVE-2018-20060, CVE-2019-11236, CVE-2019-11324 vulnerabilities.
3, Added support for Python3.8.
4, Drop support for Python2.6.

2020-11-23 Version 2.13.29
1, Fix the bug that token is not refreshed for a long time.

2020-11-12 Version 2.13.28
1, Fix ROA signature error caused by URL not carrying regionId.

2020-11-11 Version 2.13.27
1, Fix the problem of request parameter reuse.

2020-09-14 Version 2.13.26
1, Add x-acs-action and x-acs-version to header.

2020-07-28 Version 2.13.25
1, Improve exception message.

2020-07-20 Version 2.13.24
1, Delete code that affects external programs.
2, Improve python2 compatibility

2020-07-14 Version 2.13.23
1, Replace the old verify region_id rule.

2020-07-13 Version 2.13.22
1, Fixed the problem of unicode encoding for Chinese characters.

2020-06-18 Version 2.13.21
1, Fixed endpoint resolve.

2020-06-18 Version 2.13.20
1, Support JSON or XML  Content-Type.

2020-06-18 Version 2.13.19
1, Fixed endpoint resolver rules

2020-06-12 Version 2.13.18
1, Fixed repeated stacking of UserAgent.
2, Improve URL stitching when specifying endpoint.

2020-06-11 Version 2.13.17
1, Fixed find endpoint rule.

2020-05-07 Version 2.13.16
1, Fix roa style signature

2020-02-13 Version 2.13.15
1, Fix time format

2020-02-06 Version 2.13.14
1, Add some regions to endpoints.json

2019-12-13 Version 2.13.13
1, Improve helper.get_uuid method

2019-08-28 Version 2.13.9
1, add local endpoint method by hx

2019-08-28 Version 2.13.8
1, upgrade certifi from 2017.04.17 to 2018.01.18
2, Add interface to import ca.pem
3, Fix setup.py to include cacert.pem

2018-12-23 Version: 2.11.4
1,  Fix README.dst missing problem because of Python2.7 with setup.py has bug
2,  Fix a server error handling bug
3,  Fix a typo: deconde -> decode

2018-12-22 Version: 2.11.3
1,  fix server error handling problem
2,  fix a typo: deconde -> decode

2018-11-07 Version: 2.11.0
1, add faas endpoints

2018-11-05 Version: 2.10.1
1, bssopenapi endpoints added, version 2.10.1

2018-11-02 Version: 2.10.0
1, bssopenapi endpoints added, version 2.10.0

2018-09-29 Version: 2.9.3
1, endpoints data updated
2, fixed global config location code normalization bug
3, fixed no region hint bug

2018-09-25 Version: 2.9.2
1,  fix endpoints.json missing problem in the package

2018-09-21 Version: 2.9.0
1, Fix endpoint logic bug

2018-08-29 Version: 2.8.7
1, Update location service endpoint

2018-08-04 Version: 2.8.6
1, Add http proxy

2018-06-11 Version: 2.8.5
1, Fix common req

2018-06-07 Version: 2.8.4
1, fix bug for roa region header

2018-06-06 Version: 2.8.3
1, fix bug for common api

2018-06-06 Version: 2.8.3
1, Fix bug for common request.

2018-03-15 Version: 2.8.2
1, Optimize endpoint resolve logic

2018-02-23 Version: 2.8.1
1, add 'remove all test instances' feature to ecs integration test

2018-02-13 Version: 2.8.0
1, Supported Sts Token / RamRoleArn / EcsRamRole verify

2018-02-13 Version: 2.7.2
1, bugfix: request reuse

2018-02-13 Version: 2.7.1
1, bugfix for #53

2018-02-13 Version: 2.7.0
1, add integration tests

2017-12-14 Version: 2.6.2
1, disable [publicKeyId] auth type in Windows because 'pycrypto' is not supported

2017-12-12 Version: 2.6.1
1, remove bad smell codes
2, bugfix: the invoke-type metric will lost while send rpc request with common api

2017-11-18 Version: 2.6.0
1, 修正了一处不规范的try-catch语句。
2, 增加了HTTP/HTTPS协议的全局默认设置接口。

2017-11-02 Version: 2.5.2
1, 修复了某些情况下会出现签名异常的bug

2017-10-26 Version: 2.5.1
1, 精简sdk自带参数

2017-10-26 Version: 2.5.0
1, 支持common API的泛化调用接口
2, 修复了python3环境下,有时会出现typeError的bug

2017-09-28 Version: 2.4.4
1, 优化了某些情况下,部分api返回HttpStatus = 406的情况。

2017-09-26 Version: 2.4.3
1, 修正在某些情况下,解析应答时会出现TypeError的bug
2, 修正在某些情况下,请求的content-type会被修改为application/octet-stream 的bug

2017-09-25 Version: 2.4.2
1, 修复roa请求中,会丢失stream body的bug

2017-09-20 Version: 2.4.1
1, 修正在某些情况下会导致"No module named Signature"的问题

2017-09-19 Version: 2.4.0
1, 增加对Ak2.0(sts session token)验证模式的支持

2017-08-25 Version: 2.3.9
1,  EMR增加德国和张北region的SDK endpoint

2017-08-15 Version: 2.3.8
1, 修正某些场景下x-sdk-client未生效的bug

2017-08-15 Version: 2.3.7
1, 修正某些场景下x-sdk-client未生效的bug

2017-08-11 Version: 2.3.6
1, 解决某些场景下会丢失body参数的bug

2017-07-27 Version: 2.3.5
1, 支持自动寻址,自动寻址endpoint缓存失效时间为1小时
2, 增加新方法add_endpoint:允许手工添加endpoint,优先级高于自动寻址

2017-07-21 Version: 2.3.3
1, 解决了 do_action_with_exception 不能处理非200的2XX状态码的bug。