2021-01-21 Version: 3.6.0
- The creation and update APIs of the stack supports specifing tags, and the query and list APIs supports obtaining tags.

2020-12-17 Version: 3.5.0
- Support template version.
- Support to share template.
- Stack and StackGroup support TemplateId and TemplateVersion.
- Add GenerateTemplatePolicy which can generate RAM policy by template.

2020-12-02 Version: 3.4.0
- Supported stack instance supports the specified stack TimeoutInMinutes and DisableRollback.
- Supported specified stack CreateOption.

2020-07-29 Version: 3.3.1
- Rollback support for version 2015-09-01.

2020-07-29 Version: 3.3.0
- Supported list stack operation risks.
- Supported replacement option on updating stack.
- Supported import resource.

2020-04-03 Version: 3.2.1
- Support deletion protection.
- ContinueCreateStack enhancement.

2020-03-20 Version: 3.2.0
- Support tag.
- Support stack group.
- Support drift detection.
- Support RoleName, RetainResources.

2019-10-22 Version: 3.1.0
- Add API CreateTemplate.
- Add API DeleteTemplate.
- Add API UpdateTemplate.
- Add API ListTemplates.

2019-08-30 Version: 3.0.1
- Release Apis of Version 2019-09-10.

2019-08-30 Version: 3.0.0
- Release Apis of Version 2019-09-10.

2019-01-22 Version: 2.2.8
1, support Stack Policy setting .