# Onboard system defaults
# System defaults control the initial appearance, aka branding,
# of Onboard in display manager (gdm, LightDM) and user sessions.
# Place this file in the project's installation directory (e.g.
# /usr/share/onboard) and/or in /etc/onboard/.
# Keys have to start in column 0. A whitespace in column 0 indicates
# a line continuation.


# Default layout
# Specify full path and filename or only the base name of the initial layout.
# Examples:
#layout=/usr/share/onboard/layouts/Classic Onboard.onboard
#layout=Full Keyboard

#system-theme-associations={"HighContrast" : "HighContrast", "HighContrastInverse" : "HighContrastInverse", "LowContrast" : "LowContrast"}

# Default theme
# Specify full path and filename or only the base name of the initial theme.
# Examples:

# Key label font
# Family and attributes of the default font.
# Recognized font attributes are bold, italic and condensed.
# Examples:
#key-label-font=Normal bold italic condensed
#key-label-font=Ubuntu condensed

# Super key label
# Default label override for left and right super keys.
# Replaces the super key labels specified in Onboards layout files.
# Examples:

# Super key label, independent size
# If set to True/yes/1, super keys will scale their label in their own
# independent size group. Otherwise, the default size group of the
# layout stays in effect, usually resulting in the same label size for all
# modifier keys (Ctrl, Super, Alt).
# Examples:

# Enable embedding into gnome-screen-saver
# If set to True, screen-saver integration will be enabled on first start.
# It can be disabled again in Onboard's preferences.
# Caution: This only happens silently when the relevant screen-saver
# keys are still at their default values. If the keys have been set before,
# for example by a different on-screen keyboard, Onboard shows a message
# box on startup and lets the user decide what to do.
# The screen-saver keys are:
# org.gnome.desktop.screensaver embedded-keyboard-command
# org.gnome.desktop.screensaver embedded-keyboard-enabled
# Example:

# Enable aspect correction and fake transparency in gnome-screensaver
# and unity-greeter. Remove this key to have Onboard stretch from
# side to side again.
xembed-aspect-change-range=[0, 1.6]

# Position of the keyboard in unity-greeter in pixels from
# the left screen edge. Remove this to center the keyboard.

# Color of the background bar that is rendered on top of the
# background image in unity-greeter and gnome-screensaver.
# If not specified, the color is taken from the keyboard's background color.

# Enable drawing the current GNOME background image as background in
# unity-greeter and gnome-screensaver.

# Other available keys:
#snippets={0 : ["Onboard\\nHome", "https\\://launchpad.net/onboard"], 1 : ["Example", "Create your macros here."]}
#key-label-overrides={"LWIN": ["win", "super"]}

# Show always on visible workspace
# Show keyboard and icon palette always on visible workspace.
# Examples:

#window-handles=E SE S SW W NW N NE M

# Position and size of the keyboard window on landscape screens.
# Examples:

# Position and size of the keyboard window on portrait screens.
# Examples:

#in-use = False
#window-handles=E SE S SW W NW N NE M

# Position and size of the floating icon on landscape screens.
# Examples:

# Position and size of the floating icon on portrait screens.
# Examples:

# label popup

# size of the label popup in mm

#sticky-key-behavior={"all" : "cycle"}

# Source of pointer events

#widget-clearance=(25.0, 55.0, 25.0, 40.0)


#wordlist-buttons=["pause-learning", "language", "hide"]

# Drag threshold
# Accidental resize and move protection.
# Threshold is the distance in pixels the pointer has to travel
# before the drag begins.
# -1 for system drag threshold
#  0 to disable
# >0 for custom threshold
# Examples:


#device-button-map={1: 0, 3: 5}

#disable-keys=[["CTRL", "LALT", "F[0-9]+"]]