2021-02-07 Version: 1.4.0
- Support patch manager apis.

2020-12-02 Version: 1.3.2
- Support TemplateContent.

2020-10-28 Version: 1.3.1
- Support GetParameters, GetParametersByPath, GetSecretParameters, GetSecretParametersByPath.

2020-09-07 Version: 1.3.0
- Support parameter APIs.

2020-07-03 Version: 1.2.0
- Add ListResourceExecutionStatus API.
- ListExecutions API supports filtering by resource id.
- TriggerExecution API supports TimerTrigger.

2020-04-29 Version: 1.1.4
- Add ListTemplateVersions API.
- GenerateExecutionPolicy supports TemplateVersion.
- CreateTemplate and UpdateTemplate support VersionName.

2020-04-13 Version: 1.1.3
- Fix ListTaskExecutions SDK error.

2020-04-01 Version: 1.1.2
- Parameters is string in StartExecution Response.

2020-04-01 Version: 1.1.1
- Counters and Parameters are changed to Map in ListExections and StartExecution.

2020-02-21 Version: 1.1.0
- Support TAG API.

2019-07-08 Version: 1.0.1
- ActionName change to OOSActionName from ListActions API param and response.

2019-06-20 Version: 1.0.0
- OOS SDK first release for managing of templates, executions and actions.