2021-01-15 Version: 1.1.4
1, support specity resourceGroupId and custom systemdisk

2020-12-03 Version: 1.1.3
1, describePrice support spot

2020-11-25 Version: 1.1.2
1, support ListUsage function

2020-11-20 Version: 1.1.1
1, delete template
2, fix createimagecache

2020-11-19 Version: 1.1.0
1, support automatchimagecache cache reuse

2020-03-16 Version: 1.0.9
1, support create spot
2, support create flexVolume
3, fix up a parameter

2019-12-05 Version: 1.0.8
1, support container lifecycle
2, support disk volume
3, support eci instance ram role
4, support SecurityContextSysctls
5, support ntp server
6, support TerminationGracePeriodSeconds

2019-11-28 Version: 1.0.7
1, support image cache auto expire time

2019-10-28 Version: 1.0.5
1, support image cache

2019-04-16 Version: 1.0.4
1, support ECI resatart/update
2, support ECI metric
3, support template API
4, support memory for emptyDirVolume
5, support client token

2018-12-29 Version: 1.0.3
1, Add probe for container.
2, Add securityContext for container.
3, Add dnsConfig for pod.

2018-12-28 Version: 1.0.2
1, Add probe for container.
2, Add securityContext for container.
3, Add dnsConfig for pod.

2018-12-11 Version: 1.0.1
1, Add ConfigFileVolume
2, Remove the Enable of EmptyDirVolume, Name and Type is enough to build an EmptyDirVolume

2018-11-07 Version: 1.0.0
1, The beta version SDK of ECI.
2, Only supports Java and Python.
3, Go will be supported soon