2020-11-13 Version: 7.0.18
- Fix the paging type parameter of DescribeMetricRuleList API.

2020-09-25 Version: 7.0.15
- Add alarm contact group by monitor group alarm rules.

2020-09-18 Version: 7.0.14
- Add alarm notification language settings.

2020-07-09 Version: 7.0.13
- Add Log Monitoring API.
- Add and modify non Alibaba Cloud host name API.

2020-07-01 Version: 7.0.12
- Added API for modifying non Alibaba Cloud host names.
- Fix the required type adjustment of several parameters.

2020-03-16 Version: 7.0.11
- Add exporter related API.

2020-02-20 Version: 7.0.10
- Fix the problem that the three APIs, disablesitemonitors, enablesitemonitors and modifysitemonitor, return result fields are not fully define.

2020-02-14 Version: 7.0.9
- Fix the field definition for the site monitoring option OptionJson.

2020-01-16 Version: 7.0.8
- Fix the result value of DeleteSiteMonitors.

2020-01-15 Version: 7.0.7
- Fix parameter issues for label synchronization group.

2020-01-15 Version: 7.0.6
- Fix parameter issues for label synchronization group.

2020-01-13 Version: 7.0.6
- Add Dynamic Tag API.

2019-12-11 Version: 7.0.5
- Add tag API.
- Add group process monitoring API.
- Add API for batch setting alarm rules.

2019-05-24 Version: 7.0.4
1, The list of site monitoring probes adds ISP and city fields in English.
2, Fixed the capitalization problem of Describe MetricData and Describe Site Monitor Statistics API metricName.

2019-04-25 Version: 7.0.3
1, The alarm contact interface increases paging parameters

2019-04-13 Version: 7.0.2
1, Adding Modified Instance Management Interface.

2019-04-11 Version: 7.0.1
1, Fixed inconsistency between input and output parameters of alarm rule list interface.

2019-04-09 Version: 7.0.0
1, Optimizing the naming inconsistency of the old version of openAPI
2, The problem of inaccurate parameter description in the old version is optimized.
3, Adding API additions, deletions, modifications and checks of alarm contact group
4, Increased query and alarm rules Association resources and the number of alarm rules
5, This SDK is not compatible with the old version of SDK

2019-03-20 Version: 6.0.14
1, Update the Dependency

2018-08-02 Version: 6.0.13
1, Add parameter(GroupId) for CreateNotifyPolicy,GetNotifyPolicy,DeleteNotifyPolicy,ListNotifyPolicy.

2018-08-01 Version: 6.0.13
1, Add parameter(GroupId) for CreateNotifyPolicy,GetNotifyPolicy,DeleteNotifyPolicy,ListNotifyPolicy.

2018-08-01 Version: 6.0.12
1, Add parameter(DryRun) for CreateAlarm and UpdateAlarm.

2018-07-26 Version: 6.0.11
1, Add new API: SendDryRunSystemEvent,PutMetricAlarm,DescribeAlarmsForDimensions,DescribeAlarms.

2018-07-10 Version: 6.0.10
1, Add new API: EnableEventRule,DisableEventRule,DeleteEventTargets,DeleteEventRule,ListEventRules.
2, Modify the structured parameters for API: PutEventTargets,PutEventRule,DescribeEventRule.

2018-07-09 Version: 6.0.9
1, Add new API: DescribeEventRule,ListEventTargetsByRule,PutEventRule,PutEventTargets.
2, Add return value(Id) for NodeProcessCreate.

2018-06-22 Version: 6.0.8
1, Add new API: DeleteGroupDynamicRule,ListGroupDynamicRule,ApplyTemplate,PutGroupDynamicRule.
2, Add parameter(AlertIds) for CreateTask and ModifyTask.

2018-05-30 Version: 6.0.7
1, Add new API: DescribeContact and GetContacts.
2, Add return value: alertRule for CreateTask.

2018-05-25 Version: 6.0.6
1, CreateAlarm,DeleteAlarm,UpdateAlarm,DisableAlarm,EnableAlarm,ListAlarm,ListAlarmHistory,ListContactGroup,PutMetricData,QueryMetricData,QueryMetricLast,QueryMetricList,QueryMetricTop remove useless parameter: callby_cms_owner. 
2, QueryMetricList remove useless parameter: Page.
3, UpdateMyGroupMembers add parameter: Readers.
4, StopTasks,StartTasks,DeleteTasks add return value: Data.
5, ModifyTask remove invalid parameter: TaskType.
6, CreateTask fix bug: TaskName maybe duplicated.
7, Add lost return value for CreateTask.
8, DescribeISPAreaCity add parameter: isp and city.
9, remove api: PutMetricData.

2018-04-28 Version: 6.0.5
1, Add api: DescribeTasks、StartTasks、StopTasks、DeleteTasks、ModifyTask、CreateTask、DescribeTaskDetail、DescribeISPAreaCity.

2018-04-25 Version: 6.0.4
1, CreateMyGroups add parameter "options"

2018-04-24 Version: 6.0.3
1, Add api:UpdateMyGroupMembers

2018-04-20 Version: 6.0.2
1, Interface DescribeAlarmHistory/ListAlarmHistory Add return value instanceName.

2018-04-09 Version: 6.0.1
1, Add api: QueryMetricData, QueryMetricTop, TaskConfigCreate, TaskConfigDelete, TaskConfigEnable, TaskConfigList, TaskConfigModify, TaskConfigUnhealthy
2, Remove api: PutSystemEvent 

2018-01-24 Version: 5.2.2
1,  Fixed a problem that the ActiveAlert interface name is not standard
2,  Update ActiveAlert interface : ListProductOfActiveAlert / DisableActiveAlert / EnableActiveAlert

2018-01-24 Version: 5.2.1
1, Add ActiveAlert API : ListActiveAlertRuleRequest/ListProductOfActiceAlertRequest/EnableActiceAlertRequest/DisableActiceAlertRequest

2018-01-05 Version: 5.1.1
1, Add the application group to manage API.

2017-12-14 Version: 5.0.8
1, Fixed DescribeAlarmHistory subuser access probelm
2, Add both api, PutSystemEvent and PutCustomMetric

2017-12-13 Version: 5.0.7
1, Add DescribeHistory API
2, Add Webhook for Alarm's API

2017-12-04 Version: 5.0.5
1, Add webhook
2, Include CreateAlarm,UpdateAlarm,ListAlarm

2017-10-26 Version: 5.0.3
1, 变更事件上报接口名称为PutEvent。
2, 支持事件上报功能。
3, 目前支持RegionId:cn-hangzhou。
4, 目前仅支持python sdk,可以支持java、php sdk的扩展,有需要可以联系云监控support。

2017-10-17 Version: 5.0.2
1, 增加了EventCustomPopUpload接口。
2, 支持事件上报功能。
3, 目前支持RegionId:cn-hangzhou。
4, 目前仅支持python sdk,可以支持java、php sdk的扩展,有需要可以联系云监控support。