# The socket address the scheduler will listen on. It's strongly recommended # to listen on localhost and put a HTTPS server in front of it. public_addr = "" # public_addr = "[::1]:10600" [client_auth] # This is how a client will authenticate to the scheduler. # # sccache-dist auth generate-shared-token --help type = "token" token = "token here" # # type = "jwt_hs256" # secret_key = "" [server_auth] # sccache-dist auth --help # To generate the secret_key: # # sccache-dist auth generate-jwt-hs256-key # To generate a key for a builder, use the command: # # sccache-dist auth generate-jwt-hs256-server-token --config /etc/sccache/scheduler.conf --secret-key "..." --server "builderip:builderport" type = "jwt_hs256" secret_key = "my secret key"