# strace.{x86_64,sparc64,ppc64,...} can already trace both ELF32 and ELF64
# processes, and there is no need for having an strace32.
# Using baselibs, we could create a strace-64bit.ppc/strace-64bit.sparc
# convenience package (for systems with mostly-ELF32 userspace), but then
# again, one can just as well install strace.ppc64 to get the same effect…
arch ppc64 package strace
	+/usr/bin/strace-graph -> /usr/bin/strace-graph<extension>
	+/usr/bin/strace -> /usr/bin/strace<extension>

# IA64 oddball: it uses that special kind of emulation, so in this case,
# the strace-x86 may still be needed!
arch ia64 package strace
	+/usr/bin/strace-graph -> /usr/bin/strace-graph<extension>
	+/usr/bin/strace -> /usr/bin/strace<extension>
	prereq -glibc-x86