# spec file for package kernel-source@VARIANT@
# Copyright (c) @YEAR@ SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/

# norootforbuild
# icecream 0

%define srcversion @SRCVERSION@
%define patchversion @PATCHVERSION@
%define variant @VARIANT@%{nil}
%define vanilla_only @VANILLA_ONLY@

%include %_sourcedir/kernel-spec-macros

%define src_install_dir usr/src/linux-%kernelrelease%variant

Name:           kernel-source@VARIANT@
Summary:        The Linux Kernel Sources
Version:        @RPMVERSION@
Release:        @RELEASE@
License:        GPL v2 only
Group:          Development/Sources
Url:            http://www.kernel.org/
AutoReqProv:    off
BuildRequires:  coreutils sed
BuildRequires:  fdupes
Requires(post): coreutils sed
Provides:       multiversion(kernel)
Provides:       linux
Provides:       %name = %version-%source_rel
Source0:        http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-%srcversion.tar.bz2
Source2:        source-post.sh
Source3:        kernel-source.rpmlintrc
Source8:        devel-pre.sh
Source9:        devel-post.sh
Source10:       preun.sh
Source11:       postun.sh
Source12:       pre.sh
Source13:       post.sh
Source14:       series.conf
Source16:       guards
Source17:       apply-patches
Source18:       gen-hmacs
Source21:       config.conf
Source23:       supported.conf
Source33:       check-for-config-changes
Source37:       README.SUSE
Source38:       README.KSYMS
Source39:       generic_serial-blacklist
Source40:       source-timestamp
Source41:       built-in-where
Source42:       built-in-where.mk
Source43:       symsets.pl
Source44:       find-provides
Source45:       split-modules
Source46:       modversions
Source47:       extract-modaliases
Source48:       macros.kernel-source
Source49:       kernel-module-subpackage
Source50:       kabi.pl
Source51:       mkspec
Source52:       kernel-source%variant.changes
Source53:       kernel-source.spec.in
Source54:       kernel-binary.spec.in
Source55:       kernel-syms.spec.in
Source56:       kernel-docs.spec.in
Source57:       kernel-cert-subpackage
Source58:       constraints.in
Source60:       config.sh
Source61:       compute-PATCHVERSION.sh
Source62:       old-flavors
Source63:       arch-symbols
Source64:       package-descriptions
Source65:       kernel-spec-macros
Source66:       configtool.pl
Source67:       log.sh
Source90:       SLES-UEFI-SIGN-Certificate-2048.crt
Source100:      config.tar.bz2
Source101:      config.addon.tar.bz2
Source102:      patches.arch.tar.bz2
Source103:      patches.drivers.tar.bz2
Source104:      patches.fixes.tar.bz2
Source105:      patches.rpmify.tar.bz2
Source106:      patches.suse.tar.bz2
Source107:      patches.xen.tar.bz2
Source108:      patches.addon.tar.bz2
Source109:      patches.kernel.org.tar.bz2
Source110:      patches.apparmor.tar.bz2
Source111:      patches.rt.tar.bz2
Source112:      patches.trace.tar.bz2
Source113:      patches.kabi.tar.bz2
Source114:      patches.drm.tar.bz2
Source115:      patches.ceph.tar.bz2
Source120:      kabi.tar.bz2
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
Prefix:         /usr/src

%(chmod +x %_sourcedir/{@SCRIPTS@})

%define symbols %(set -- $([ -e %_sourcedir/extra-symbols ] && cat %_sourcedir/extra-symbols) ; echo $*)
%define variant_symbols %(case %name in (*-rt) echo "RT" ;; esac)

%define do_vanilla "%variant" == ""

Linux kernel sources with many fixes and improvements.

%package vanilla
Summary:        Vanilla Linux kernel sources with minor build fixes.
License:        GPL v2 only
Group:          Development/Sources
AutoReqProv:    off
Provides:       multiversion(kernel)
Provides:       %name-vanilla = %version-%source_rel

%description vanilla
Vanilla Linux kernel sources with minor build fixes.

if ! [ -e %_sourcedir/linux-%srcversion.tar.bz2 ]; then
    echo "Please get a copy of linux-%srcversion.tar.bz2 from" \

echo "Symbol(s): %symbols"

# Unpack all sources and patches
%setup -q -c -T @UNPACK_PATCHES@

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src
cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src

# Unpack the vanilla kernel sources
tar -xjf %_sourcedir/linux-%srcversion.tar.bz2
if test "%srcversion" != "%kernelrelease%variant"; then
	mv linux-%srcversion linux-%kernelrelease%variant

%if %do_vanilla
%if %vanilla_only
	mv \
	cp -al \
	linux-%kernelrelease%variant linux-%kernelrelease-vanilla
cd linux-%kernelrelease-vanilla
%_sourcedir/apply-patches --vanilla %_sourcedir/series.conf %my_builddir %symbols
rm -f $(find . -name ".gitignore")
cd ..

%if ! %vanilla_only
ln -sf linux%variant linux%variant  # dummy symlink

cd linux-%kernelrelease%variant
%_sourcedir/apply-patches %_sourcedir/series.conf %my_builddir %symbols
rm -f $(find . -name ".gitignore")
# patch(1) in SLE11 does not support git-style patches (bnc#807845)
chmod +x scripts/sign-file

if [ -f %_sourcedir/localversion ] ; then
    cat %_sourcedir/localversion > localversion

# Hardlink duplicate files automatically (from package fdupes).

%if ! %vanilla_only
# Install the documentation and example Kernel Module Package.
mkdir -p $DOC
cp %_sourcedir/README.SUSE $DOC
ln -s /usr/share/doc/packages/%name/README.SUSE %buildroot/%src_install_dir/

install -m 755 -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rpm
install -m 644 %_sourcedir/macros.kernel-source $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rpm/
install -m 755 -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/rpm
install -m 644 %_sourcedir/kernel-{module,cert}-subpackage \

for script in post; do
    sed -e "s:@KERNELRELEASE@:%kernelrelease:g" \
        -e "s:@SRCVARIANT@:%variant:g" \
        %_sourcedir/source-$script.sh > %name-$script.sh

# kernel-source and kernel-$flavor-devel are built independently, but the
# shipped sources (/usr/src/linux/) need to be older than generated files
# (/usr/src/linux-obj). We rely on the git commit timestamp to not point into
# the future and be thus lower than the timestamps of files built from the
# source (bnc#669669).
ts="$(head -n1 %_sourcedir/source-timestamp)"
find %buildroot/usr/src/linux* ! -type l | xargs touch -d "$ts"

%post -f %name-post.sh
%defattr(-, root, root)
%ghost /usr/src/linux%variant

%if %do_vanilla

%files vanilla
%defattr(-, root, root)
